April 04, 2009


jen11window, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Rainer affixing the lettering to the window. The show photos are up at my flickr. take a peek. It is SMASHING!


kelly barton art + design said...

this makes me drool. i used to work for a sign shop and loved
applying to windows....trucks
not so much - too many curves
and openings.

the window looks so good

D'Rimba said...

My dear susan, why my blog can't view your picture at the link? What happen?

Susan Schwake said...

d/rimba -- hmmm, maybe it's at the flickr and it was down when you stopped by?

to the camp -- hey babe, dh said, please! stop by anytime, he just designs the stuff and HATES applying it... hee hee!