ocean view monotype print with india ink 2008 susan schwake
Sometimes I play
Illustration Friday, less now than before, yes, I miss it some weeks. But life has been a little hectic. But I love the prompt, the "assignment" nature of
Ms. Penelope's site. My latest assignment, prompt if you will, will be creating a painting, collage perhaps, for my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. The prompt is the short poem, translated from German, below. I already have an image in my head. Just have to get it to paper.
two are rowing a boat
one knows the stars
the other knows the storms
one will lead through the stars
one will lead through the storms
and at the end, the very end
the sea
in the recollection
will be blue.
Today we will be installing the
exhibition - as
Lisa and
Lisa have landed... photos later.