February 01, 2008

Living beautifully

a birthday party long ago in the back yard. three of my friends from elementary school...
Today marks our second Breast Cancer Research Foundation fundraiser- Lovely Hearts 2. I want to thank everyone for supporting this important cause by donating, creating, promoting and helping us out in getting it together. It's no little feat and without you it wouldn't happen. We hope to see you all tonight at the gallery, but if you can't make it - remember there is always the shop to check - it's all live now and going fast! Thank you so much!

**quick addition** another wonderful project going on today is "Bleeding Hearts" by Renee Garner over at her etsy shop. Renee has a piece in Lovely Hearts and is hosting through Wolfie and the Sneak a one day market to benefit the Sierra Club. Why? Right here is the reason. Good luck Renee!

Today also marks the beginning of a personal project I am calling living beautifully. Somehow the shortest month of the year helps remind me how fleeting life really is. So, at the end of each week for a time, I will post a special photograph. A snippet of time, of a piece of a day, a moment. Tell me, how do you live beautifully?


Anonymous said...

hey girl ... i love this photograph and the shadows on the grass.

best of luck with lovely hearts 2 ... i'm sure i'll find a treasure in the shop that i simply must have.

and that is how i live beautifully. i tune into what delights me and follow it ... even if it scares me (sometimes these delights are the best).

oh ... btw ... i loved your podcast with Megan B. very cool!

j said...

yes, lovely idea.

I hope all those little girls are living beautifully. how sweet they look.

Mary-Laure said...

It's a lovely photograph and also a great question.
How do I live beautifully? I always have cut flowers in my kitchen. I take ballet classes. I read literature. I look for beauty everywhere, in daily life and on the streets.
And you?

Susan Schwake said...

hi mary-laure,
thank you for visiting... so now i have found your blog too! i hope to unfold how i attempt to live beautifully each week. savoring the past, embracing the now and plans for the future. looking for beauty, noticing beauty each day is definitely part of my daily life too... thank you for coming by!

One Crabapple said...

oh I am dying to know how it went last night.

It must be a tad FROSTY there , but so warm inside The Gallery with all of those Loving Hearts...! Do tell...and don't leave out the part about the CHOCOLATES and other goodies , will you ? laughing. Just for embellisment, just for a taste in the imagination.

I think I am too late for Bleeding Hearts, but will check the link, thank you.

This photo is really wonderful and inspires a story. Will you tell it ? I would Love to Hear.

I will certainly be thinking about how I live beautifully...and trying to do so ! Right now, sitting here with my Morning Hair, cup of tea and big grey workman's socks, mismatched jammies and beanie on ! I feel QUITE BEAUTIFUL, lemme tell You. ah well, laughing at yourself , now that is living beautifullly ! Right ?

xx- big O. Love, S.

girlgonethreadwild said...

Thank you for joining in the pink artist proj, you are not too late at all (mail square to my address found on blog by Mar 1). What a powerful post, your blog is wonderful!

Live life beautifully, Monica :)

Anonymous said...

The photo of you and your childhood friends...love that!

What a lovely idea...living beautifully in this usually dreary time of year. Our days can be either gray and dismal or bright blue and cold. I am trying to walk and discover something new in my world every day...looing with an open eye.

Hope all the lovely hearts go flying out of your gallery!!!

heather smith jones said...

this is a remarkable idea, to recall something at the end of the week, that is special. I like it!

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

Susan, thank you so much for mentioning the Bleeding Hearts Benefit! It was a wonderful success, I hope the same for Lovely Hearts. What a beautifully curated show!