part of my valentines bouquet
Thanks to two kind bloggers Beate and Maralena and for awarding me the "you make my day" award. They both had such kind words to say, well, I guess I did blush!
So the rules are this:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make your day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.3. Display the You Make My Day Award logo.
4. Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news.
Of course I am bad with "rules" so I am late posting this as well as doing all the steps. Oh well!
So, here are five of the many many I read which make my day - most everyday. I hope you enjoy visiting them too!
Imedagoze, for her lovely posts on design from her side of the world!
cally creates, for her beautiful photographs in color and not. (look at her white posts!)
juju loves polkadots, for her witty preludes (i love her humor picks)flowing into colorful art posts.
monster crochet, for her wild, mad creative heart which never, ever ceases to amaze me.
bloesem! for the quiet beauty she finds in art and design - and her own beautiful work!
Sweet post; nice accolade. Glad to see recognition from folks who care.
1st the thrill of the image, utterly beautiful. then the thrill of you being nominated (i want to nominate you every time an award comes up but i try to spread the love and nominate new people each time). and then to see you nominated me, susan, i'm so very touched, particularly since i've been struggling with blogging this year.
it feels like such a huge effort to post, but it's knowing that people like you are there that keeps me going and i'm always glad when i post something, anything, even if it's not that huge backlog of posts i've been needing to update links on before sending.
you make my day too. thank you xox
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