"from the window I" 6x6" mixed media on baltic birch
It's friday again... how did THAT happen? I thought that this little bird mixed media piece would fit the "bill" ... ( sorry, my jokes are terrible!) for Illustration Friday.
This little bird is missing his friends up on the clothes line. They'll be back.
Wishing everyone a lovely summer weekend!

This very nice and serene.. stark, even. Beautiful.
I love this lonely bird! The swallows are starting to line up on the telephone wires over here in Scotland - ready for their big fly south for winter - so maybe this one's friends will be along soon!
beautiful illo, beautiful!
very nice...have a great weekend!
This is beautiful, I love how bold and simple it is! Well done :).
Simply splendid piece.
Hi Susan! Simply lovely!!!
Love it!
This is so simple and pretty. What wonderful way to show this week's topic.
hi susan, thanks for your message on my blog.i look forward to checking your blog and art out when i finish traveling. it's nice to connect. jenny
You know... I wrote a long post last night and then Blogger just cr*pped out on me and ate it! Hmmm.. Anyway, I think what I said was... Yes... the weeks and summer are just flying by! I love your paintings with birds, and this one has such a lovely calm feeling with its simple palette and composition. The colors make me think of a foggy day at the shore - I can almost hear a foghorn in the distance. Even though this little guy might miss his friends on the clothes line, I am sure he loves the bright, vibrant summer banner you have up! I hope you had a super birthday!
This is sweet and peaceful. The little bird looks like he's thinking about what to do next.
So peaceful. Nice work.
Poor little lonely bird :(
I love the birdie. This piece is so quiet and contemplative. Very nice.
very nice:) I send the little bird empathy I know how it feels to miss one's dearest friends!
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