What great fun was the month of June! I hate to say goodbye to it, but there it goes. Last night's birthday soiree was illuminated with lovely sparklers, cool weather - so much that blankets had to appear, and salads a plenty.
As June flew by, I missed responding to Beate's meme, so here goes in a 7 + 7 format.
seven things i like:
1. June weather
2. original ideas - no matter how strange at first they may seem
3. lemon quark ice cream
4. long walks
5. indigo and naples yellow
6. playing croquet with my family
7. morning coffee
seven things i dislike
1. february weather
2. magazine scans in blogs
3. seeing people i know in the grocery store - i dodge them every time, yes, even you.
4. photographs of people larger than 5x7 inches
5. cable television
6. fast food
7. rude drivers
Enjoy the weekend, here in New England it is just wonderful weather!
Ah....a fellow New Englander in the world of blogs.....
Can you imagine living anywhere else????
I can allow any list of like/dislike about NE from anyone FROM NE...but coming from anywhere else and Blah blah about anything NE...and it makes my hair stand on end.....
Yes, indeed. The weather this weekend is a dream-come-true after the harsh-winter-waiting. This weekend Larry and I are in Burlington VT for the Vermont Quilt Fest: the weather is beautiful. Clear bright skies, cool, dry air. The quilts are fantastic! What a treat. What a great little city. Enjoy what is left of this fabulous weekend.
So glad you got a great June, lord knows you had a lot of winter to put up with so you really deserved it.
I, on the other hand, hope never to have such a June again. Hideous. In all my life and in several countries I have lived in I've never experienced such opressive grey skies, so low and heavy, so full of rain, so MUCH rain. And here we are now, July, we've had 30% sun but the rest is rain, thunderstorms and hail. I had to run out in a huge panic today as I'd pulled back the fleece on my tender salad leaves. Suddenly there was this weird noise and it was an instantaneous torrential shower before the lightning started. My poor veggies got smooshed, but I hope they'll perk up if the rain ever stops.
It's nice to look at your happier June photo's and live virtually through your eyes.
I enjoyed your blog, especially the list of things you like and don't like. I have been doing lists like that for years and it is really fun.
Linda Blondheim
Well, you had me grinning with this meme, particularly with dodging people in the grocery store. I instantly envisioned you hiding behind a pile of grapefruits and swearing under your breath! Hee!
And did I miss your birthday?
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