What great fun was the month of June! I hate to say goodbye to it, but there it goes. Last night's birthday soiree was illuminated with lovely sparklers, cool weather - so much that blankets had to appear, and salads a plenty.
As June flew by, I missed responding to Beate's meme, so here goes in a 7 + 7 format.
seven things i like:
1. June weather
2. original ideas - no matter how strange at first they may seem
3. lemon quark ice cream
4. long walks
5. indigo and naples yellow
6. playing croquet with my family
7. morning coffee
seven things i dislike
1. february weather
2. magazine scans in blogs
3. seeing people i know in the grocery store - i dodge them every time, yes, even you.
4. photographs of people larger than 5x7 inches
5. cable television
6. fast food
7. rude drivers
Enjoy the weekend, here in New England it is just wonderful weather!