waiting for spring, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.
What can I say? 4-6 inches more snow coming today here in Snowland?
Finished off this piece with birch and textured the outer edges to create a snowy feel for the Modern Folk exhibition I am part of at The Salmon Falls Village Gallery in Rollinsford, NH next week.
Did I bring this weather on myself?
Yesterday flipflops, today snow boots.
yeah.... we love us some sunshine and warmth.
you can only drink so much hot cocoa....
The word for the day is patience... as in all good things will come in time. like spring. like gardening, like my daughter's passport. (everybody out there pull for us with the last one, OK? she's going to London and really wants to leave next week....)
I really like this piece, especially the slightly undulating fence. I am going to England tomorrow, and just about 3 weeks ago, I happened to check my passport, and saw that it was expired! I'd like to say that I screamed "yikes!", but I was a bit more graphic than that. Anyway, I went on line, read up on the expedited service that the passport people offer, and used that. I decided not to use overnight mail as they suggested, but I still got my passport in plenty of time - it arrived last week. So, my recent experience is that the expedited service really does work. Good luck!
Love that tree in your painting.
It's cold here in Colorado too...we're supposed to get a big storm tonight with 6-12 inches of snow. Will spring EVER come?!
celeste- thanks for the nice words on the work...
yeah, her passport was due to expire in the middle of her trip so we took care of it "early" not early enough after the deluge which rolled in late january. it has been expedited, but there are no "for sure" and there are no expedited appointments in beantown. today they said it was a definite maybe. we'll see.
It’s raining here in NY today. It seems like it’s a day for staying at home. Isn’t?
I love this one Susan!
What a beautiful piece. I love the black tree and birds. Really, really love this piece, Susan.
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