boston, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.
Yesterday was spent getting daughter Grace's passport in Boston. After 15 weeks of waiting for the reissue, we had to take a day off (well, that was a.o.k!) and go to Boston to retrieve one ourselves. All is well that ends well.
The sun was shining, we had our favorite lunches and it was sunny and there was a great street performance as well as the weather was glorious! Did I mention the sun was shining? We spent some time in line, but not too much, dodged the worst of the traffic, enjoyed being outside and being together. Can't ask for more. No sir. Sunshine and daughter time. Doesn't get any better than that. She's off in a few hours to London, with friends and teachers from her school. Wish her luck on a safe journey... and wish me luck. I hope I won't shed a tear!
Forgive me for not getting the shop updated... that will happen soon. The passport scare over took everything else. Everything will be in by the end of the weekend. Promise!
15 weeks- yikes! I guess I won't be holding my breath waiting for my passport to show up!
mimi - funny thing, her original one came this morning... by fedex. !!!!
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