postcard designed by Rainer for the show
More snow in Boston heading our way soon ... sadly we have to postpone our grand opening of "Extreme Textiles" until NEXT Friday from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. Hope to see you all here as it is such a fun show. Darn old New England weather making snow when we are supposed to be seeing sprouts shooting up!
In the mean time, I am busy with BizBox on Slate - hop on over and check out the business tips there.
With the snowboundness of things here I will be getting lots of new goodies from Danny Mansmith, Leigh Pennebaker, Alyssa Ettinger, Livia Coloji and Kimberly Lyford into the shop. I hope everyone else is enjoying spring ... somewhere!
I hear that you are getting wholloped with snow up there! We are being pelted by snowpellets down here. Yep, that's actually what the hard snowflakes are being called: snow pellets. And gosh darnit, they DO hurt when they fall on my head! Crazy NJ weather! Anyway, I hope that you have a great weekend with your family, Susan!
Good Morning Susan and my condolences for the cancelled opening. What a shame! It looks a beautiful show and the pieces you've posted are fantastic. I hope you have a restful, catch-up weekend. For me, there will be no projects save studio play. And of course one must (it is de rigeur) cook an Irish corned beef today -- mine is made with beer and white beans and lots of wonderful spices.
This is the biggest snowfall we've gotten all season! I was happy for the snow day (I got to work on a painting), but like you, disappointed because the opening for the "Word-Art" show I'm in with kj's poetry had to be rescheduled. On the bright side, I did notice yesterday morning, before the snow started to fall, that my fron yard is full of little snowdrop flowers, and there are daffodils poking up. It won't be long, Susan. I think this is winter's last hurrah... just enough to say, "See, I really can do this!" The textile show looks like it's going to be great!
Hi Susan!
The extreme textiles show looks amazing! Wish I were closer and could see it...
Oh love it!!!! I've been enjoying all the pics you've got up on flickr about the show.
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