peony pair mixed media on #140 arches 8"x 10"
OK, the little match girl was a bit sad for a warm summer's day, so I will leave you with something a little bit more uplifting. Besides, we are leaving for Cape Cod for the week and I don't want to leave winter here on your screen. So first - here is a "matched" pair of peonies from a pile of sketches earlier this summer of the last great flowers in my garden ... I have a pile of them, in different "poses" - just email me if you would like one - they are all about 8 x 10 on arches paper and a mere $25.

More excitement as vacation draws near... meet our new intern at artstream - Matthan! She just graduated from Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH with a degree in Art history/Anthropology and we are so pleased to have her on board! We met through our gallery prospectus as she and her sisters, Ascher and Jadah have a line of jewlery they wanted us to see. This is a very special line which they make all by hand - Betty Jewels (named after their grandmother who loved big earrings) -and the major portion of the proceeds go to cancer reasearch via Relay for Life. Made by hand with total heart. How great is that? As they say, Just like that you can make yourself look and feel better. They will be in our shop!

Have a wonderful end of summer and for some fun and games check out these links while I'm away!
*Via BoingBoing (and DH) old to all of you, I am sure, but my new favorite Canadian - Rick Mercer. Totally off topic of art- or is it? Utterly magnificent.
*Via Grace at design*sponge - Pamela Barsky's piggy bank (check out that lovely Amy Ruppel in the flicker photos)
*All about crayons with Jan.
*Some magnificent artwork of Tapies via Susanna.
*One of the best stories I have read in a blog all summer - ok, two stories! One of Ulla's (regarding devient art) and one about being fashionable by Corey!
*A peek at some art that is coming in to us in a couple of weeks ... love it! - Albina!
*Completely amazing art via Lena Corwin's blog here...
*Have you gone to see what Diana Fayt is up to? We can't wait to get our order from her next month!
*Can you really ever get enough information about your brew and quality writing (with sound effects) to go along with your favorite beer? I think not. This guy cracks me up.
Prost! it's vacation time....
Those earrings are phenomenal! I must get some for myself. And what terrific Christmas presents!
ok.... MY WORD FOR TODAY IS. GREEN... GREEN...as in green with ENVY... we are dying down here 100 plus
degree weather.... ok i will be nice... have a great week in cape cod.... i will have to get the details in sept !!!
You delight me sweet friend, thanks for the compliment!!!
I love that earring!! its sooo HUGE!!
Aaaw...thanks, Susan! Ulla's jam story is a goodie and Corey really has a gift for writing, doesn't she? And Diana's bowls...wow. That girl has a talent.
Just call me Gustav from now on.
Love the peonies and the earrings...I would so wear those! Um, the earrings, not the peonies...LOL
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