She vowed by Claudine Hellmuth - wow!

orb jars and split jars by Sarah Burns ... vessels with entirely new scuptural meanings!
Shuffling art around, there are some main stays in the gallery at all times! As we hang the show, we reorder works from artists and here are some of the items coming through and moving around today...

Mary Ann Davis Pottery ...more on the way!

Egg-a-go-go! Handpainted pillows ... lovely!

the giant iris raku orb by the incomparable Jane Kaufmann!
Tomorrow, we hang the exhibition. It takes a few days before to let everything sink in to where you feel good about what the sum of the parts will be. And the spackling and painting and hole removal ... the cooking, the wine lugging, the ideas of music and having everything in place. Of course nothing at this point in the year would be possible without the lovely intern, Joanna. More on her later as she deserves it! How did we do it without her before?

Large Celestial by Ron Fountain

small circles by Ron Fountain

a long story by Ron Fountain
So show and tell a bit for now of parts and pieces, more of Ron's work for all that asked and well, whatever I find as remains of the day which was more than hectic, June 13th ... here's a snippet - click on images for larger views.
I wish I lived closer. It looks like it's going to be a fabulous show!
Wow! I so wish I could be there. Fantastic pieces for the show!
Yes good luck with the show Susan
wished i lived closer also. I like the metal work!
How remarkable to be able to surround yourself with so much beauty on a daily basis, and to be able to meet and represent so many fascinating people. I am especially drawn to the pottery and these Ron Fountain works.
A quick hello and good luck wishes for the exhibition! The whole things looks awesome, I especially love the pottery and 'she vowed'...you bring together so many talents!
Oooh...I really like Sarah Burn's jars. They have such texture, I just want to hold one!
OK... I've been browsing around a bit. WHERE IS YOUR GALLERY?!! and/or what is it called. Surely the gallery has a commercial site that I can get to on my way to NH?
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