June 06, 2006

Grab bag of goodies

Laundry has never looked soooo good... at least to those of you living in Britain. Of all my years visiting the UK in Glasgow, London and Salisbury working for high end designer hifi companies Linn and Naim (yes, women in hi fi was a rarity and after 6 years of being on the road I know, first hand why... boooooooring! [except for the travel and music part] ) I always coveted their under the counter size frontloaders. Yes, I am not into housework and happiest when the maid comes around, but I do have a thing for laundry. The washing and hanging of it. (sans ironing ... see a great post on ironing at Corey's site) But this machine brings the art of laundry to yet another level! Trust LG to make such a beauty. Load the machine, pour the coffee, make mine white, and sit back and enjoy the view of the machine. Flowers and if you are much more mod, there are some bold graphics available too!

Next in our grab bag is another view of next week's opening with Colors of Summer at artstream. The painting here is the second in the Snow Poppies series by yours truly. Tired of the poppies? I guess I have been sort of single minded lately, but they hold so much color and life for me that I thought I would show you just one more. This one has the most paper inclusions and if you double click on the image you may be able to see that. I really am not a painter of flowers, but why label oneself? Over in Leipzig, Germany a very nice fellow, Max Rence , posted on his new art site another one of my poppies. Go visit Max and just say guten tag! via Susan. Danke schoen Max for the nice post!

All things come in threes here. Good design and composition rule. All things in this post are about flowers. Oh mon Dieu! When I think of flowers of course I think of omondieu! Angela and her flower rings, pins [see the beauty on her jacket in her self portrait?] and hair combs
which adorn our gallery and make it a more lovely place to be, every day. You can wear these sturday fleurs on any finger and dabble in art all day, run a hand through a sweater and greet your neighbor without it wilting! I am so hard on my bellis, but it keeps on keeping on each and every day. Angela is not only a designer of beautiful rings and fanciful poesies tees but an amazing photographer. She is one of our gallery regulars and we carry all of her work. From rings to photographs and back to tees! You can purchase her omondieu! line through us or directly at her site. You just can not have enough beauty in your day. So take a moment today and stop and smell the flowers ...

The word for the day is ... fragrant ... like lilacs in May, a steaming cup of latte and life lived to its fullest!


Susan Schwake said...

oh andrea! you make me *blush* ... but art goddess has an amazing ring to it! tee hee. honestly... geeze.

Anonymous said...

Hello Susan, that's another beautiful painting. Also vielen Dank for the mention of my blog. Max

angela said...

oh girl... you are sweetness.

here's me blushing.

you put a smile on my face... darling you!



Angela Wales Rockett said...

I love the poppies! I can't get enough of those lovely flowers. Your painting is just beautiful.

andrea said...

Ah -- I've been neglecting "my blogs" so it's lovely to come here and be bombarded by a combination of visual delights. The washing machines are great -- and practical in a way since so many English kitchens have washing machines in them, unlike in North America. And this is one of your better poppy paintings I think, Susan -- a great combination of colour choice and composition.

andrea said...

BTW I have a couple of those poppies just popping up in my garden right now. They pass so quickly! Must. Take. Pictures.

Sarah .B. Scott said...

Your blog is beautiful! Quite a breath of fresh air!

Anonymous said...

Where can I get that Washing Machine!! Its lovely enough to sit in my living room!! eheheh

Fiza Ishaq said...

Love the colours of the Snow Poppies!

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

If I had a washing machine like that maybe the drudgery of daily laundry wouldn't be so bad???
I am pleased to see bella Angela, leave it to her to take such an artistic photo!
And your poppies, do you hear them calling you in france?

Dana S. Whitney said...

I never tire of poppies.
It was way too hot here this summer for poppies of any sort. Your painting is wonderful.