Kayaking in Maine, oil by Cynthia Fontneau 12" by 36"
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Here is a delightful new painting from my student Cynthia Fontneau. She is also my friend. Her work has been dedicated almost exclusively to some lovely chickens this past year, but she took some time out to capture a backwater place that she and her husband kayak to in Maine. Something that we love to do here in New England, but not when forced to. For the past six days we have been experiencing flood conditions. After almost 7 days of rain here the rivers are swollen and the brooks are bursting. Below are some photos of the roaring river behind artstream. It is wild and a bit scary, and completely dependent on the dams holding upstream from us. Many of our friends are being asked to leave their riverfront homes tonight as they live too close. I feel very lucky that we are on a hill and that the gallery is also on high ground. The forecast is for another five days of rain. What will this bring? Time will tell. School and classes have been cancelled for today as the roads and bridges are experiencing washouts. So, we made a cheesecake. When life gives you time, you should always make a cheesecake and play Scrabble.

The word for the day is ... hope ... as in never give up, wishing for the best and the inner part of your being which can not be crushed.

The powerful rush of water is just behind you!? Rains like that are only fun when you are safe and warm inside, to make cheesecake and play scrabble, I hope these are the only memories you will have, and not any of flooding!! Have homes been lost? My concern and thoughts hold you!
yes, our building is just to the left of the top photo's building. up a little hill. the building if you enlarge the photo, you can see how the building's lower floors have taken on the river.
we are about 18 feet above this location, and most likely will be safe.
it is scary!
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