patient rainer oil 18" x 24" ongoing .... click for larger image
Illustration Friday's theme today is Sorry.
This is a painting I have almost done and not quite finished - even - as late as today - of my husband.
When he sees it he puts one hand over one eye and sort of moans.
What can I say except ... "Sorry"
Maybe publishing this painting, (which I actually like very much) will make me finish it this week and stop saying "Sorry"
"Sorry" I couldn't come up with something better...
"Sorry" that it started to rain here ... again ...
"Sorry" about the missing eye most of all. I tried to make it better with sharpie. But as you can see, that didn't work either. Poor Rainer. He still is missing one eye and both parts to his glasses.
The word for the day is ... incomplete ... as in one eye without the other, a martini without an olive and a day without sunshine.
I sort of like the empty eye personally! I love how you've done his collar/clothes, etc.
I KNEW it was Rainer even before I scrolled far enough to see the entire (albeit incomplete) Rainer. But you have already captured him, I think. I love his hair!
i like the missing eye too. some good art just stops in interesting places.
Ah Susan I have several paintings I have started and not finished. i know sorry
So far you have a wonderful portrait of your husband. I also kind of like the empty eye! I also like the glow you have going behind him
I like this piece just the way it is.If you do finish it, I'll be interested to see the finished piece ! :)
I just love when you can follow the process of the artist! Hope to see the finish!!!
Good work, hope your husband will not be sorry and dont be sorry of rain .... the flowers love it :)
I think its great to see work in process! This painting is great, and I look forward to see it finished.
There's actually something rather compelling about the empty eye - his look is very direct and self-assured, and the emptiness in the one eye suggests mystery and makes it all very intriguing. It's a great looking painting (and he looks quite handsome)...I hope you'll finish it! I guess we all have pieces we've started and then put aside for a while:>
I like it like this, sorry Rainer!
I like it too, without the eye and all. it's so soft and beautiful. great work!
I like this very much. Your husband is a handsome man! Can't wait to see the finished product.
I really love where you're going with this one, great animated lines and colours in the backgroud, personally the one eye thing is kind of cool and I like it but I'm sure what you have in mind is even better. Thanks for letting us see your process and I can't wait to see the finished piece.
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