Happy Easter to all! What a beautiful weekend here in Rochester. Yesterday was a huge success for us and as exhausting as it was for us, Mary-Jo and I were so very, very pleased with the outcome. Everyone involved was so professional to work with and a total pleasure. (hey, check out that photo reporters mustache, isn't it wild?)
The gallery was packed throughout the day with early birds starting an hour before we were even officially open. The assortment of high quality goods were stunning and I am hoping to hear soon from Phil Stiles as his camera work during these events (and all other times as well...) are so much better than mine! However, here are mine to start with! Click through here to find the gallery photo albums...
The weather, the music from Amigo Blancos duo was *SO VERY FAB* and added to the upbeat spirit of the crowd coupled with great great sales, made us say, yes! we will do this again in October. We did get some press on Sunday from the Fosters ... if you want to read it go here.
I hope you enjoy the photo album and know that it is only a snippet of the truly beautifully designed work which was at the show. Our online shopping pages are almost complete so you can view items which are going to be available - ongoing very soon! Most everyone who attended as a vendor will be included on our regular artstream shopping site so be sure to check it out!
The word for the day is ... relax ... as in put your feel up, have a fine chocolate or three, and spend some time day dreaming ...(oh yeah and Frankie says ... don't do it!)
I loved this, Susan. What fun! That Kate Crowell dress is fantastic and would also would love a pair of custom-made Cordwainer shoes as I have a hard foot to fit (very narrow). (I want Venus and Mercury and...) Thanks for the window-shopping experience!
oh susan... it was definitely a fabulous day. the pictures tell all!
wish i could have been there... but that day will happen yet!
yes andrea you would love those shoes.. .my foot is very hard to fit too, and molly is finally making me a pair! wheeee! i have to finish her peacock painting. she has one and wanted a painting... i want those shoes (venus in citrus green)
thanks Susan...the show was great due to your enthusiasm!Thanks AGAIN for including me and our shoes! Can't wait to see the Peacock painting...our Admiral Bird is in the throes of mating season and screeeching up a storm atop our chimney....good thing we live in the boonies....
Thank you for including me Susan, in your wonderful gallery, in the window, seed vases so beautifully displayed... I am blown away that we found eachother through the blog and look forward to further co-creation...
in peace-
Mary Anne
That is wonderful!
oh andrea! give us a day or two and you can see some of the items up close on the regular site. it was a lovely day and i wish too that you could have been here to join in!
easter was a good rest and yes, we are all very very very happy!
WOW, and congratulations... What an amazing show, I am so glad it was a success, although I expected nothing less! Look forward to seeing more photos...
Wonderful!! I wish i could have been there, thatnks for the images! You must be happily tired!
You never cease to amaze me! Great write up too! You must be smiling a a mile wide!
angela's shirts and flower rings, those cute shoes in mulit colors (I'll take a pair of each!) and Davis studio vases!! I never realized they were tiny...I like them even more!!
Hey, do you notice that moustache man is checking out Cynthia's butt!
I looked through the photo album, wonderful things and such happy enthusiastic looking people. Such a nice vibe from it all I wish I lived there and could come too.
Wish I had the guts to wear something in the style of the suede cape, I'd love one in 2 shades of green velvet.
lol...wish you were closer too!
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