"Mr. Clean as a Whistle"
photoshop messy sketch
OK, today is a little hectic.
Running to the DMV to help Grace get her license.. yes she passed. (hooray and horrific!) Get her ready for take off to Paris tomorrow.
Off with the gym partner M.E. soon to keep my sanity then ... here it comes into the inbox...
ooh how can one resist Illustration Friday?
Especially when one has all of five minutes to draw the ultimate robot?
Here he is. Mr. Clean as a Whistle. (no he can't cook, BUT...)
He shows up.
He smiles at the dirt.
He does his work.
He leaves and nary a trace of my messiness is left behind.
He DOES do windows.
You do not feel compelled to tip him nor does he expect it. He takes pride in his work and that is good because he LOVES to clean. He lives for it and depends on your dirt. He is a spiffy dresser.
*ahem* which no matter how many times I read the inspiring, beautiful and motivational "Plain and Simple" by Sue Bender, it just wears off in a matter of days. Oh Mr. Clean as a Whistle. Wherefore art thou?
The word for the day is .. lower ... your expectations in cleaning, the bar when you need a break, and your head for a nap!
He does windows? Send him over!
I can use a cleaning robot too!! HE !! HE!!
Just what I need in my house Susan! How is he with pets?
Too cute illustration and I love the biography on him ! Enjoy the day ! :)
the red bow makes me wonder if he isn't a she in disguise? That robot and I could be good friends, he or she, if it does windows!! And Ironing by chance???
yes, it is a she he maybe, but mostly it was just a scribble a mess and well, the momentary robot of my dreams...
tee hee....
been painting all day off and on since noon so maybe something nicer to show tomorrow....
thanks for peeking in.
Thanks for commenting on my site, I like the description of your character.
argh. i couldn't look at him any more.
i took another five minutes and cleaned HIM up a bit!
If Mr. Clean worked out in the yard, would he just keep on going until all the dirt was gone?
what a wonderfully cheerful robot - he can come and do my windows anytime!
He certainly looks friendly. I wouldn't mind help with weeding. :)
Everybody loves a cleaning robot!
You sound like one very bsuy lady! I like the childlike simplicty of this piece...who wouldn't want a robot like this? I also really admire your lovely, lovely mixed media piece for "spotted." The colors and texture have such an alluring, mysterious underwater feeling. It's beautiful!
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