Today marks my 100th day of blogging. What have I learned?
1. Blogging here has improved my writing skills a bit ... skills are important, ask Napoleon.
2.I have met many new inspiring, wonderful bloggers/many , many artists/many, many craftspeople.
3. I can get lost in the blogsphere (word coined - as far as I can tell - by MAD - see this fabulous post of hers here)
4. I can find my way out of the blogsphere by using all that creative inspriation for GOOD!
5. People can be really kind and thoughtful in this beautiful place.
6. I have done something everyday [besides art] for the last 100 days. A major accomplishment for me. I have never ever done the same thing every day for 100 days. Except the obvious.
7. I have found that my big ole iLamp, Imac is noiser than I would prefer it to be and that outside is still way better than inside. (see photo above)
8. I have read more engaging poetry - and some which people called bad! [NOT] than I have in the previous 100 days.
9. I have viewed other countries through new eyes and artwork.
10. I have been inspired to try and finish my quilt. (started 10 years ago)
So, not a huge list, but still, interesting to me... and it will keep growing I am sure.
(Random photo I took at the Cape vacation which is going to inspire me to jump into the cold cold sea of busy - ness in the next two days!)
The word for the day is ... FOCUS ... as in getting it all together, making it a priority and finding the damn glasses.
Susan, what a lovely post, and so inspiring, love the links! You are a treasure and an inspiration. Congrats on 100!
Congrats on 100 days of blogging! Look forward to many more to come.
I totally agree. I only recently started my blog, but already I've met some wonderful, kind, generous people. Everyone is so good at patting each other on the back. So refreshing in this day & age! It's also wonderful to be exposed to such creativity all over the world. Keep up your good blogging! See you 'round the blogsphere.
Congratulations on 100 days! You are "really kind" to say I am kind. I loved the idea of celebrating your first 100...I am just coming up on one year now--once again, I am inspired by your words (perhaps I'll try to address what I've learned since last April)! I'm so glad I found your blog...
I'm glad you wrote this post today because I've been thinking the last couple of days how enriched my life has become through this community, too. We hear so much negative press about the modern age; the blogsphere proves that there is a healthy balance of good and positive in this 'brave new world'.
oh susan. this is cause of celebration.
a celebration of you. of the first 100 days [because i know there are many many many more to come]. because of the way you celebrate others.
you seek inspiration and yet, you are the inspiration!
blows you a kiss and hugs you dear!
Congratulations on 100 days and many more, Susan!
Thanks for the nice mention (waiting to see that quilt) and all of the interesting links!
good on you. hope you stick it out - blogging is contagious for sure
ah gee thanks§§100 down and a million to go! And I know each will be more interesting and more beautiful than the next! You are a gem Susan!
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