Show and Tell Tuesday
Sneek peek into one wall of my home studio. You may have already seen artstream and our studio working spaces there, but here is where I do the bulk of my painting. I leave the clay and collage at artstream.
The weather has been so spring like in New England that I was inspired to work on some new pieces. Here you see five of the seven canvases I started last weekend during our "heat wave". My studio space at home is south facing and when it is sunny out, look out. Happiness everywhere. I have been so inspired by the weather that I have begun a series of floral inspired abstracts. Something which doesn't usually move me too much. But oh my. 50F weather in New England in March will inspire the coldest heart. So I have three poppies in the garden series, three poppies in the snow series and one large scale squash blossom canvas. I love the deep canvases as the painting can just wrap around for another 2.5 inches and no frames to distract or afford. These are works in progress, but I am enjoying the vibrant color (and my husband is so very happy that I am off of the umbers and ochres for the moment ... ) as well as the all important creative process. I paint most every day and include my family in the process. My two daughters have space in this room to create as we have always done that together. Yes, it is a big room so our spaces are our own but they are under one ceiling so we can work together. I will post the finished works at my typepad site when they are completed and photographed.
It would be nice to have a show and tell every Tuesday.
Won't you send me photos of your space? Where you craft, create, draw, illustrate, write, dream and deliver yourself ?
The word for the day is ... refresh ... as in a brisk walk, a cool glass of white wine, and your browser.
These are so summery! I can just feel the heat...
I love seeing your work space. Very cool. And your paintings are looking splendid indeed!
I love the colors. So unSusan. Poppies have always been one of my favorite flowers. I used to live in Washington, west of Seattle, and there were lots of those little orange beauties around. Can't wait to see the finished product.
This is inspiring! I love the look of these paintings. It is cool to see you are a painter of talent as well as a spreader of good other artists. I'll send some studio shots soon, meantime, check out my post today about table art-- I am using the table in my studio as an ephemeral canvas, making art out of tableware--
Thanks for posting about your own work.
Cool paintings!! I love it. and show and tell tuesday is a good thing to start. Hmmm... I'll see what i can show next week
Yes everyone should send me photos.
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