Linda Calder, president of New England Fine Living,
couldn't believe how many wonderful shops and services
were so close at hand until she got referrals from friends or found them herself, while searching for products for her interior design clients.
Linda, who used to create her own tradeshows to help other business owners market themsleves to the public, decided to create New England Fine Living.com. It is an on-line portal for consumers to learn more about these great businesses. "As a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, I want to help women find these wonderful businesses without having to drive around looking for them, as I did." Now she is sharing that with her new friends online. Their focus will be showcasing quality products and services in a fun and refreshing way. After speaking with Linda late last week, I thought you all should know about her new service. It will be great for those of us who like to preshop or at least get ideas before traveling. With our need to conserve even more these days with gasoline, it is also ecologically sound. Linda has a category for most everything, including art galleries and I think it is wonderful that a woman in this area is putting together a resource for people to use in our own area! Good Luck Linda!
The word for the day is ... develop ... like your ideas, your portfolio of work and your muscles!
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