"golden maples" pastel 11x14
This is one of the breathtaking small works of Mitchell Rosenzweig which we have on exhibit right now at artstream. Mitch is an accomplished artist who is a master with color. His work is complex with color and simple with line. It informs the viewer the atmospheric conditions of the location which Mitchell has chosen to represent. Mitchell lives part time in three places and his paintngs express this - New Hampshire, New Jersey, and New Mexico. Below is "Rolling Cloud" in oil. This work is 38"x48" and fills the room with a sense of calm.

The word for the day is ... drizzle ... as in a thin icing, a layer of paint, or a soft spring rain.
oh hello susan... was absolutely captivated by the richness of the colour, the moment i just opened your blog.
and before i even read the title of the piece, i had an urge of trees, big lush maple trees. and there was a brief moment, i felt my heart tugging me home.
i'm sure these pieces are absolutely beautiful in the gallery.
These are some beautiful works of art. The pastel is atmospheric and mysterious. Impressive work to have in new Hampshire! Well done, Susan.
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