I love her work, there is no way around it. I cherish the pink horizon landscape with the row of trees in my living room. A painting should take you away - into a place which makes you think, dream and explore. Her paintings do just that for me.
When I visited her home studio, which is truly that -- each room a painter's delight with different canvases and assemblage works in different states of "finished" -- embellishing the walls and tables everywhere, I felt the true sense of an artist at work. The works take you out of the room and into a place which is directs you to her intended destination by color, mood, and horizon line. Simple elements exquistely formulated. This diminuitive work , 12 by 12 inches of a Tuscan landscape draws you into the most wonderful part of the day in Italy, twilight. It is $350 and for more information on this and other Eve Corey works, please contact artstreamstudios.com
The word for the day is:
Mystery .... as in places unfamiliar, some of our dreams and people you have noticed, but not yet met.
Hi there! You visited my blog, so I decided it was time to come over and say howdy blog neighbour!
This is an incredible painting...we were in Tuscany last summer and this is so evocative of the area and the time in my life. Just stunning.
I'll look around a littlw noe, just had to say hello!
howdy back at ya,
thanks for visiting mine!
it is an incredible painting, she is the real deal this Eve. on our site we have her work from previous exhibitions - Color in Winter 05
it is uplifiting - almost like strolling along in italy..
ok, well almost!
blogily yours,
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